Meissner Law Firm Files & Prepares to File More Fraudulent Recruitment Claims Against Citizens SecuritiesAfter the enormous publicity reporting on the record 1.7 million dollar award we recently won in July against Citizens Securities, subsidiary of Citizens Financial Group (NYSE: CFG), appearing in Bank Investment Consulting Newsletter, as well as the lengthy analysis done by (See Articles Below) about the pattern of aggressive recruiting and broken promises by Citizens Securities, which referred to new claims being reviewed and actually filed by our firm against Citizens Securities we expect more multi-million dollar awards to come in favor of registered representatives. The articles which appear below, have led to hundreds of calls from current and former Citizens Securities employees, from around the country, Pennsylvania, New York, Massachusetts, Ohio, Michigan and other places who were similarly situated as Mr. Aiello. Callers to us seeking a FINRA Attorney have all provided similar stories of being misled into transferring to Citizens Securities based on false promises and losing their careers and clientele they built up over years in the process. As a result, we are preparing to file several more FINRA Arbitration Claims against Citizens Securities and have already file one such claim. In the award of this past July, we turned the tables on Citizens Securities who was seeking to have our client, who only stayed at Citizens for four months before leaving in disgust, repay a $220,000 upfront recruitment payment on a note. Instead Citizens Securities was required to pay 1.7 million, including retroactive interest, discovery sanctions and all FINRA forum fees to our client Frank Aiello. Frank was a financial advisor who alleged that he was fraudulently recruited from PNC Securities with the promise of a large book of business to be given to him as well as to be assigned to the same State College PA town which his customer base was in so that he could transfer his large current book of business. While the promises were all oral we were able to prove that they were made and that Citizen's reneged on their promises, which it was alleged was a pattern and practice for Citizens Securities. As noted in the Bank Investment Consulting Newsletter, other lawyers rarely win these claims which was characterized as a "bell-ringer," although in keeping with our law firm's know record arbitration win statistics *. If you believe you were misled by Citizens Securities or any other firm such as Well Fargo or others we have received calls on, and believe you were financially damaged significantly as a result call Meissner Associates for a free case evaluation - Toll Free Nationwide FINRA Attorney Representation 866-764-3100. We are now considering contingency type of legal retainers for Citizens employees as a result of our knowledge and history with such bank. Note: New York based Meissner Associates is a nationally recognized employment law firm focused on the unique employment issues within the securities industry which is overseen by FINRA. The firm also represents SEC whistleblowers before the SEC, investors and securities professionals before FINRA arbitration panels and securities professionals in enforcement proceedings, as well as institutional and retail investors worldwide in recovering improper investment losses and protecting the employment rights of employees in the securities industry in FINRA arbitration and AAA Arbitration. Managing member Stuart Meissner is a former Assistant District Attorney in Manhattan and Assistant New York State Attorney General in the Investor Protection and Financial Crimes Units. Call Meissner Associates, FINRA Attorneys Nationwide Representation for FINRA Arbitrations Mailing Address: 99 Main Street, Suite 303, Nyack N.Y. 10960 Phone- 212-764-3100, 845-444-5274 Fax-646-843-4964 New York City Meeting Address (Across from Bryant Park) 54 W. 40th Street New York, N.Y. Along with five other convenient Manhattan Locations and five other cities across the US and London Bank Investment Consultant Article: Article: *Prior results cannot and do not guarantee or predict a similar outcome with respect to any future matter, including yours, in which a lawyer or law firm may be retained. The information you obtain at this site is not, nor is it intended to be, legal advice. You should consult an attorney for individual advice regarding your own situation. ATTORNEY ADVERTISING
AuthorStuart D. Meissner Esq. is an experienced FINRA attorney who has practiced law for over 27 years, including as a FINRA Attorney, Securities Regulator and Prosecutor. Archives
September 2022
Disclaimer: Prior results cannot and do not guarantee or predict a similar outcome with respect to any future matter, including yours, in which a lawyer or law firm may be retained. The information you obtain at this site is not, nor is it intended to be, legal advice. You should consult an attorney for individual advice regarding your own situation.